Freedom Over Fascism
Freedom Over Fascism
Best Of: Simon Rosenberg: Hopium Chronicles and Democratic Strategist

Best Of: Simon Rosenberg: Hopium Chronicles and Democratic Strategist

"It's time to go on offense." Simon Rosenberg has been a top Democratic operative for a long time. He founded NDN, a democracy research and advocacy group in 1996. Recently, he started to believe that the United States is entering a new political era that requires new strategies and approaches. He created a new project, Hopium Chronicles, as a way to tout positive messaging about Democrats and the United States. One Hopium’s projects is called “Get to 55.” that starts a big conversation in Democratic and pro-democracy circles about how to grow the current Democratic coalition from Biden’s 51.4% in 2020 to 55% in 2024 and keep it there for a while. He joins us as part of his efforts to educate the grassroots on the economic successes of the Democratic party and his mission of creating a grassroots army to fight MAGA.

Find Hopium Chronicles here:  Hopium Chronicles

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Freedom Over Fascism
Freedom Over Fascism
Freedom Over Fascism hosted by historian, comms consultant, and activist Stephanie Wilson, investigates what it takes to rebuild power and freedom for people in MAGA captured states. MAGA is waging a full-out war against Americans to gain authoritarian power, and we must reclaim our freedom and our power.
We talk to authors, experts, activists, historians, and officials who sound the alarm and work to build freedom over fascism. Together we’ll discover what it takes to win in parts of America dominated by MAGA extremists.