Freedom Over Fascism
Freedom Over Fascism
Paolo Cremidis, ED of Outrun Coalition on electing young and diverse candidates in rural America. 53

Paolo Cremidis, ED of Outrun Coalition on electing young and diverse candidates in rural America. 53

Stephanie talks to Paolo Cremidis about running candidates who are young and diverse in rural areas. Outrun coalition has gone from electing 6 candidates in upstate NY in 2020 to more than 470 across the country currently. They believe that anyone and everyone should run for office and reject the notion that rural=white.

Here are a couple of organizations Paolo recommends donating to—most of whom support candidates running downballot in MAGA captured areas. I've listed the Freedom Over Fascism episode number where I've interviewed most of these folks: 

Every State Blue

(umbrella org). Run by Jonathan Zucker, Episode

Blue Ohio. Run by David Pepper, Episode 2,

Blue Missouri. Run by Jess Piper, Episode 7,

Blue Tennessee, Run by Lisa D,

Blue Texas. Run by Kim Allen, Episode 5.

Forgotten Dems:

Find more info about Outrun Coalition at


Freedom Over Fascism
Freedom Over Fascism
Freedom Over Fascism hosted by historian, comms consultant, and activist Stephanie Wilson, investigates what it takes to rebuild power and freedom for people in MAGA captured states. MAGA is waging a full-out war against Americans to gain authoritarian power, and we must reclaim our freedom and our power.
We talk to authors, experts, activists, historians, and officials who sound the alarm and work to build freedom over fascism. Together we’ll discover what it takes to win in parts of America dominated by MAGA extremists.