Been thinking about this a lot, and Timothy Snyder's book 20 Lessons from the 20th Century is one that really sticks with me, almost like a handbook at this point. But indeed, what if he wins and it happens here? I don't think there's any chance it doesn't if he does win, and I spend so much time trying to wrap my head around the mentality that wants this and roots for it. We've lost an appreciation for what institutions actually do, rather than just seeing them as things that merely exist.
Anyone who doesn't think fascism is a possibility is sleeping. My thought is that someone with a bully pulpit better step up and organize into a general strike. I say, let them try to run a country without us. Lawyers, doctors, plumbers, ditch diggers whatever the hell. Everyone must descend on Washington by the millions. They know how to do this in other countries. The million women March was a good start. We need to make that look like a small affair. Look at tablisi recently.
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Been thinking about this a lot, and Timothy Snyder's book 20 Lessons from the 20th Century is one that really sticks with me, almost like a handbook at this point. But indeed, what if he wins and it happens here? I don't think there's any chance it doesn't if he does win, and I spend so much time trying to wrap my head around the mentality that wants this and roots for it. We've lost an appreciation for what institutions actually do, rather than just seeing them as things that merely exist.
Anyone who doesn't think fascism is a possibility is sleeping. My thought is that someone with a bully pulpit better step up and organize into a general strike. I say, let them try to run a country without us. Lawyers, doctors, plumbers, ditch diggers whatever the hell. Everyone must descend on Washington by the millions. They know how to do this in other countries. The million women March was a good start. We need to make that look like a small affair. Look at tablisi recently.